

              Seek constructive synergies.       Tuesday, January 28, 2025                Recent posts: ->

Today’s FTP upload is introduced and linked in post “WisdomCAD” ->

October 7th, 2022’s FTP upload was 1937 stereo aerial imagery of the area around Fulton, Maryland… which is exciting to see for some of us who grew up there in the 1950’s & 1960’s. I’m reminded that purely agrarian communities – that wars don’t visit – can be remarkably stable for decades. The link is: https://ftp.setterholm.com/Fulton/FultonMD-1937-RedCyan3D.jpg

June 13, 2022’s FTP upload was a three-page paper: “Mitigate the Top Dogs“; the link is:      https://ftp.setterholm.com/WorldPeace/TopDogs.pdf  ; today version 2.0 is posted there.  “Mitigate” as used here means: “To cause to contract or shrink to the point of not being a problem“.  The fact that Russia has an ongoing war against Ukraine in 2022 illuminates an age-old, orchestrated, enduring, pervasive, inexcusable failure of human intellect – which the paper characterizes.

April 28, 2022’s FTP upload was: a free 4490 x 4878 pixel 3D image of the Holy Land taken by NASA from space on October 6, 1984. Each pixel is about 60 meters wide.  View the image using red|cyan glasses. Annotation is at the lower left corner. The link: https://ftp.setterholm.com/Geodesy/Satellite/HolyLand-rc3d,jpg

February 21,2022:  Thwarting Tyrants – a novel approach. Vladimir Putin’s massing of Russian military forces on Ukraine’s border gives urgency to the post.

December 21, 2021’s post was: Embrace the U.S. Constitution’s Preamble.

A chronological list of my papers on improving human social synergy:   http://ftp.setterholm.com/WorldPeacePapers-Chronology.pdf -through today.

Bing’s search engine prioritized these 51 WordPress & FTP links to this site:  http://ftp.setterholm.com/PopularHits.pdf    …as of August 23, 2021.

The 14 direct links to the WordPress Posts:  http://ftp.setterholm.com/LinksToPosts.pdf

Direct links to the FTP subdirectories:  ftp.setterholm.com/LinksToFtp.pdf The ‘FILES’  tab on this page presents the FTP’s Root directory.

January 3, 2022’s FTP addition was the image template of a Calendar Sliderule. The link to the subdirectory is: http://ftp.setterholm.com/CSliderule/ “CSliderule-ReadMe.pdf” introduces image template “CSliderule.jpg”. Guessing wrong &/or missing anniversaries tends to be counterproductive. On January 4th added “SuperBowlMvps.jpg” – a cluttered example of template use. Note that Google search has a delightfully diverse collection of images of slide rules.

October 18, 2021 added:  Improved 3D 1959 aerial imagery of Fulton MD

Prior to July 2016, setterholm.com was an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) site. Past and present content still resides there, accessed directly, though cryptically, by the ‘FILES’ tab at the upper right (on a full-screen monitor). The 11 page directory is frozen in time at March 30, 2017. The site’s first WordPress Archives commenced in September 2015; there’s only a minor amount of overlap between the WordPress introductions & Directory.pdf.
