RedGB3D ~ All-color-anaglyphs using Red/Cyan glasses

RedGB3D ~ All-color-anaglyphs using Red/Cyan glasses

The direct link is:

These aren’t your Grandmother’s anaglyphs! They’re full color at the depth of convergence of the stereo pair! Images herein named   “___-RedGB3D.jpg” are in this format; to see a high-resolution, geodetic example: Click here.

Improved conversion software is found at link:  

The corresponding subdirectory .zip file image is:   …after downloading change the ‘.exf’ extension to ‘.exe’

For 3D imager information: Click here.


The red|cyan 3D sketch image above is formed from two 2D grayscale sketch images, each drawn at the push of a button; Leonardo Da Vinci might have approved! A felled 14″ diameter, 50′ pine tree is shown after being cut into fireplace ~two-footers.

The Kodak FZ43 camera costs $62. at Walmart; delightful 2D grayscale sketches and colorful 180 degree panoramas are synthesized inside the camera and exported as single JPEG images. (The camera also has many other still-frame modes and a video mode.)

For viewing the image above – American Paper Optics LLC – item #AGRCHHV red|cyan handheld 3D viewers (~40 cents each) – work well. Cyan is green+blue. Full color anaglyph 3D images displayed on (red|green|blue) computer monitors become two separate views – (left eye:red|right eye:green&blue). .

On 2020.12.17  I freed my colors template image for evaluating ghosting of color filters vs. monitors and color printers; that helped me figure out RedGB3D back in the day. The link is

Based on my experience 2/3 -to- 3/4 of people have usefully strong stereo visual depth perception. The human visual cortex can also synthesize scene depth using the view of an eye that is in motion; see for yourself: close one eye and wobble your head around. Nutating a perspective view of a 3D object achieves the same monocular result. Nutating stereo-viewed objects aids in confirming that one’s visual cortex has guessed a static scene’s depth correctly.

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