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Tag: World Peace

Rules/Referees/Replays/ Rulebook – R4 – Justice

Rules/Referees/Replays/ Rulebook – R4 – Justice

Can justice be administered as fairly as competitive sports are refereed? Here’s the link to my one-page paper which advocates trying to go there: 2021.09.11: Most American judges and lawyers who enjoy watching sporting events can grasp that clear, uniformly-enforced rules allow games to progress in a timely & enjoyable manner. If, instead, there were legal systems – rather than enforced rules – sporting events would be undisciplined, dangerous, interrupted, (i.e.: insane) wastes of time on un-level playing fields….

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Personal vs. Public Fantasy

Personal vs. Public Fantasy

The one-page .pdf is posted here: The free ‘FREE’ symbol is separately available for download here:

Greed : Hurricane Analogy

Greed : Hurricane Analogy

Earlier today via email I introduced this one-page paper to the President of Yale: ————— In the /WorldPeace subdirectory of ‘FILES’ tab, you’ll find the attached document. The direct link there is: Your humanities faculty could consider ways to strengthen, and/or clarify, and/or  improve the message. As noted therein, the .pdf is available for unrestricted dissemination. The copyright preserves my trademarks: The Philosophy Works® and logo art™; the logo art summarizes two of my enduring motivations. Jeff Setterholm…

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