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Author: Jeff Setterholm



February 22, 2025: A revised introduction. There is no more profound form of ignorance than to be unaware that a dimension of experience exists; thereby some bad judgment is partially excused because unimagined ideas are also unknown ideas. But, recurring, fathomlessly stupid social outcomes (e.g.: wars) have long suggested the need for an energetic search for alternate paradigms. Thus motivated, I studied Rubik’s Cubes to learn how to reach their fully cooperative solutions in the fewest-possible number of moves, and…

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Exact Inverse Polynomials

Exact Inverse Polynomials

A Free, Powerful, Even-Order Polynomial Coefficient Generator: exact by default to: 8th order & 2,000+ coefficients & real (non-exact) by custom configuration to: 20th order & 2,000+ coefficients The enabling math & tech:Computing adjoints and determinants involve no division; hence any full-rank matrix with integer coefficients has an inverse with exact rational coefficients. &Real16 (128-bit) variables have 31 significant digits; which supports tracking integer values up to 1 octillion. Adjoint integers grow faster than the determinant integers. My (this) cookbook…

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Rules/Referees/Replays/ Rulebook – R4 – Justice

Rules/Referees/Replays/ Rulebook – R4 – Justice

Can justice be administered as fairly as competitive sports are refereed? Here’s the link to my one-page paper which advocates trying to go there: 2021.09.11: Most American judges and lawyers who enjoy watching sporting events can grasp that clear, uniformly-enforced rules allow games to progress in a timely & enjoyable manner. If, instead, there were legal systems – rather than enforced rules – sporting events would be undisciplined, dangerous, interrupted, (i.e.: insane) wastes of time on un-level playing fields….

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Freedom & Vibrant Reciprocity

Freedom & Vibrant Reciprocity

At some point, when a group of people behave irresponsibly, individual members who don’t publicly object to the behavior must become personally liable. How does this square with ‘freedom’ ? This one-page paper defines several words, creates a logical context for thinking about the problem, and considers a sample issue. The link is:

Personal vs. Public Fantasy

Personal vs. Public Fantasy

The one-page .pdf is posted here: The free ‘FREE’ symbol is separately available for download here:

Epidemic De-Quarantine Strategy

Epidemic De-Quarantine Strategy

I thought about a presentation given by a Nobel-Prize-winning scientist at The Nobel Conference XXXVII at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN in early October 2001; as a result, I wrote the following letter to the CDC in Atlanta. None of the four paths by which I attempted to deliver the letter resulted in a reply from any of the recipients or the CDC itself. Here’s the letter: ————————————————- Date: October 25, 2001 To: The Center for Disease Control,…

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Greed : Hurricane Analogy

Greed : Hurricane Analogy

Earlier today via email I introduced this one-page paper to the President of Yale: ————— In the /WorldPeace subdirectory of ‘FILES’ tab, you’ll find the attached document. The direct link there is: Your humanities faculty could consider ways to strengthen, and/or clarify, and/or  improve the message. As noted therein, the .pdf is available for unrestricted dissemination. The copyright preserves my trademarks: The Philosophy Works® and logo art™; the logo art summarizes two of my enduring motivations. Jeff Setterholm…

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Best-Fitting the Continuous Parameters of Linear/Non-Linear Algorithmic Models of Arbitrarily Large Datasets with Extreme Accuracy “Tweaks” refer to the small changes of parameter values which are used to compute the numerical partial derivatives of an algorithmic model as the model converges on a best-fit of a given dataset. I called these analytics “Pseudoinverse System Analysis” (1983 – @ Honeywell MavD, Minneapolis,MN) and used them professionally for 35+ years; in applied mathematics these algorithms are an approach to “linear & non-linear…

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An ‘Understanding’ Filter

An ‘Understanding’ Filter

Many aspects of life are trusted to the point that little or no effort is put into understanding them. For example, lots of people trust their cars to provide transportation without understanding the details of automobiles. Furthermore, trust is ~effortless. When trust breaks down or was never there, the need to understanding has more urgency. America’s trust in its national political processes is in shambles, suggesting the need for a more powerful technique to analyze the mess. The paper follows: Civil engineering provides…

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Measuring Social Fairness

Measuring Social Fairness

Using self-reference as the basis of measuring the consequences of subjective ideas: Click here to access the two page document. Saint Thomas More wrote “Utopia” in 1516, which included a description of a place where all men are equal, prosperous, educated, and wise (1). 501 years later fairness is measurable and virtual reality is real; for these and other reasons a discipline called ‘Utopionics’ is ripe for clarification, elucidation, and realization.   (1)Reference: The World Book Encyclopedia, 1987, UV, Page 197.